Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
A quality of life update has been published today:
New features
- The personal gallery (in your profile) has been upgraded to use the same code as the Public Gallery, which means you can like directly from the feed without opening a picture, and it will open the correct picture if the post contains more than 1 picture.
- All feeds have been upgraded to the "new engine," which should be faster and more reliable regarding comments and share count. However, the count should still be incorrect if a comment has been posted by someone you blocked or who blocked you, but this will be fixed in the next update.
- Added to Mastodon whitelist URLs.
- Your profile's public/private settings have been moved to the new Settings window under Personalization.
- The flashing white color when you visit another page while being in a dark theme has been fixed.
- When viewing a picture in full screen, clicking the close button correctly changes the URL, which should fix navigation issues!
It's been a long time since I checked the feedback portal, but this is the best place to gather feedback and notice bugs. If you haven't already, report any bugs you might have or ask for a new feature. I will also clean it up, removing old or duplicate feature requests and keeping only the ones that I know I will be working on this year to make it easier for everyone to vote and read the portal.
Use your Primfeed account to log in here:
Thank you for your patience and even though I'm still late for the videos, this is still the big feature planned for the next weeks and I'm actively working on it, it takes more time than planned. ❤️
Today's update introduces something that I wanted to do for a long time: a clear and nice settings panel. 🥹
It may sound a bit useless, but part of my plans for 2025 is to give Primfeed more polished interfaces and take more time to work on each of them. 👍
Thanks to the categories, your settings are better organized and easier to use. There is a clear separation between personal and business settings.
This also allows me to add more settings later (e.g., by giving you Access to your blocking list).
Anyway, thank you as always for your continued support for Primfeed, and the videos should be released within the next 2 weeks. ❤️

- New Settings panel
- Post: The Maturity rating selectable is now limited to your settings (So you are sure to see your post if you refresh)
- Feeds: Add a loading icon for each feed.
- The Edit and Create a Post window has been reworked to be more responsive. Images are also bigger!
- Entries have been added to to monitor the dropboxes delivering the system messages
- Fixed a rare bug where you wouldn't be able to look at a store.
- Performance: With the hardware acceleration disabled, Primfeed should now perform better.
- Residents can now mention up to 20 accounts (instead of 10)
- You can install as an app again.
- The Show Creditsbutton now shows on Posts on the different Feeds for better access.
- The wording "Vendor Ad" has been changed to Commercial content to match the Terms of Service better.
- When paying for an EasyBloggers package, the owner can now re-upload a previously posted picture to update its resolution to the original one. (Instead of being limited to 1500x1500)
- Restricted accounts will now have an error message when logging in.
- Residents can now use any name format to log in. (joe.resident, joe resident or joe)
- The Showcase tab (Showing the pictures of bloggers for a store) is now working properly and faster.
One of the main perks of EasyBloggers is its integrations with Primfeed, and today, I'm introducing a new integration to grow your store using Primfeed.
Every logged-in resident on Primfeed
can now request any demo from your EasyBloggers products featured
in your bloggers' posts.Any customer looking to buy something featured in a post can request a demo right from the credits before visiting the product locations.
Once they've tried the demo and are happy with it, they can return to the post and click on a product's location.
By default, this option is not enabled. Make sure to enable it on your older products.

Since the beginning, Primfeed has been a closed platform without any preview when you share your link on apps or social media. The only way to see the shared content was to be logged in. 😞
For a social media, this restriction was a considerable downside for discoverability, or just knowing what to expect when you click a link. I appreciate your patience during the recent update that made Primfeed unstable for a few hours. This update was necessary to prepare today's update and improve your experience.
Today, I'm excited to announce a significant enhancement to Primfeed. Now, every resident can open their profile and content to the public. You can change this setting by navigating to the "Edit your profile" button on your profile. If you open your profile to the public, your content will be visible to anyone, even if they're not logged into Primfeed.
Each type of link (events, profiles, or posts) now has its own preview when shared on messaging apps or social media. It means that your content will be more visible and engaging, as people will have a better idea of what to expect when they click on your link. This is a huge step in making Primfeed feel like a proper social media, and this is my favorite update so far.
If this is not the case, I'm looking forward to anyone making Primfeed their primary social media where they share their second life, pictures, or thoughts.
Thank you for your ongoing support. I'm working on a blog for Primfeed to go more in-depth about the updates for Primfeed, EasyBloggers, and Second Life. The first article will be available later this month! ❤️
P.S: By default, your profile and content remain private.

One of the top requested features since the opening of Primfeed is now live: You can now gift Primfeed Pro 🎁
To do so, visit Primfeed's main store, click the payment terminal, and select the Gift button. Enter the recipient's name, and voilà!
The gift option is one of the nice updates residents have been waiting for, and I'm sure you will also appreciate the next one. Someone is telling me that Primfeed is about to go public … 🤫

- You can save and edit your password now.
- The display name and handle will show when sharing your profile link. (only the legacy name was showing before)
- The title of adult events is now hidden when sharing the link.
- Adding to Mastodon allowed domains.
Events on Primfeed are the best way to know about what's going on on the grid. Whenever you want to go dancing with your friends or visit the new winter sim that opened, it's the simplest way to stay connected and find your next activity in Second Life.
However, with the growing number of events on Primfeed, it takes a lot of work to keep track of everything you want to do and visit. I'm pleased to announce that Primfeed is introducing reminders. ❤️
For each event, you can click the new button "Get notified", and you will receive a message in your local chat reminding you of the name and time of the event you registered for. You will receive a notification 24 hours and 1 hour before the event with the direct SLURL of the event.

- Two new Accessibility options for the Featured Content: Scroll smooth animationandScroll content timeout.
- The pictures in the Public Gallery are now links, which means you can mouse Middle Mouse Clickto open the post in a new tab orRight-Click > Open in a new tab.
- Adding in the Mastodon allowlist.
- Changing the Maturity Rating too quickly now properly reset the reset.
- Featured Content on the Homepage: To learn more, please visit
- If you get redirected to the login page when visiting a post, and you use the OTP login method, you will be now correctly redirected to the post
- When clicking the navigation buttons, the posts you opened will be closed.
- The link to the scheduled post you received in the local chat notification has been fixed.
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