How do you see the Public Gallery in the future, and why?
under review
Luke Rowley
At the moment, the Gallery only displays Artistic art and Vendors ads, because the initial idea was to have an enjoyable experience while browsing it, as a gallery art.
However, a few feedbacks have been made regarding it, and I'm looking at ways of how it would be the best possible, for everyone.
Do you mind taking a moment to explain what would be your perfect experience in the public gallery for you, and why?
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Luke Rowley
under review
Ginger Cloud
The gallery needs a trending page. Just like various social media pages have two tabs: the feed you are following and the algorithmically generated "For you page" of one kind or another.
One of my longest running peeves with Flickr was that our posts were generally ignored by their interestingness algorithm and could never trend like regular photos. Putting aside all its flaws, imagine how much better flickr would have been if the trending section had a "Second Life" switch where you could automatically see all the most active / interesting posts in the screenshot category.
StormyRox Resident
Hiii Mr. Luke!!
I like the way the gallery works but it would be nice if we could see number of gallery posts remaining per day like at the top of the gallery with the filters or when ya go to make a post.. Other than that I agree with a bunch of other people on tags bein added!! This could really help if an image with a couple of tags could be searched for by topic or tag search if that gets added!!
If this already exists, please ignore, I'm still learnin!!
wulla Zabelin
Hello Luke
It would be really nice if it was possible to also replace an already uploaded image ( like you can on flickr ) its a good feature to have if you as blogger have to change an unseen mistake or something on a picture after you have got feedback from store owners.
It would also be nice when you look at the gallerys that when you move the mouse over the images it shows how many likes a picture have got.
Other than that - i love primfeed so far.
jizzy34 Resident
Hello Luke
For me as an artist it is really frustrating that all my pictures disappear from the gallery because they are not screenshoots, giveaways or similar.
I can understand the intention behind it, if I am right in my assumption. I would also say that one group system would be too much, after all there are over 10000 groups of which 1000 groups sound similar and show the same thing.
From my artist perspective I would suggest the following, you open a second puplic gallery for artist, so you cover everything, people can explicitly explore the puplic gallery for screenshoots, giveaways or vendors, or you switch to the artist gallery and look for nice pictures or maybe for artist where you want to have a picture made.
I don't know the technical effort behind it and I don't know if it could be realized at all, but from my point of view it's a good compromise, nobody loses anything, everyone wins something, at least that's what's currently in my head ^^
kind regards jill
Becky Nosferatu
here's my suggestions:
Categories: The gallery is horribly cluttered with EVERYTHING. I'd like to be able to hide certain types of images (child avs, for example,) so I don't see them at all. I'm sure people would love to hide random furry pics too, even though I'm apart of that community. Commercial and Artistic would really benefit from this.
Search Functions: Being able to search by person/store/type of avatar would be great. Feral avs vs. Bipedial furry would be a great example of this.
Videos: Machinima lets gooooo
Favorite Folders: It'd be great to be able to sort your favorited pictures into folders, and be able to show them to people. Public and private is a must for this!
CameelahC99 Resident
we need video upload that we can upload in 4k, 6k and 8k
Aelithe Starling
I think it would be nice to have a Theme Tag in the Commercial option for browsing so that we can look for Medieval, fantasy or Cyberpunk, etc. In the commercial gallery.
Otoa Kiyori
I feel you and your team have been adding Primfeed features that I didn't know I wanted one after another, and I have been very happy and comfortable using Primfeed (I love how we Primfeed users tag the posts more properly than on other platforms).
If I were to inject my idea, it would be this: an ability to go to the next or previous Gallery post (while respecting the current Gallery filter) without needing to exit the post zoom view back to tile display mode. Since we can already do this with multi-image posts, I figured this could be a little tricky in both design and implementation (how about up and down arrows for this?). But if this becomes available, I think both users and the server could save time and bandwidth. Currently, I have to exit out of zoom, wait for the next post to re-display in tile mode (among all the other nearby posts), and then tap that next one to see it in zoom.
If I am allowed to share one more idea... a full-screen Gallery post slideshow! — with an option to switch images (5-60 minutes move-to-next interval), either in the current zoomed view or full image-only view. I know this one is a crazy idea 😆
Nastasica Resident
Idk if someone already say it but I think it would be perfect to have some categories such as decor, apparel etc. for commercial shots in the gallery? It would be much easier to find something you would really want rn
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