Ability to block reposts
Sparkly Rainbow
Could not find this option anywhere, so I am assuming it does not exist yet. I would like to be able to block reposts (either globally or on a per account basis). Some people seemingly just repost everything and it makes it hard to see the important things in my feed.
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Teal Aurelia
Anthylea Celestia
We really need this, and I'm dying to have it!
Teal Aurelia
Teal Aurelia
Ginger Cloud
When a giveaway is popping off its not uncommon to have the same thing in my feed 3 or more times in a row. It's a bit much. Ability to filter reposts would be so useful.
Teal Aurelia
Teal Aurelia
Teal Aurelia
Sugar Bae
I'm not doing follow backs until this option is implemented.
Anthylea Celestia
I really need the ability to disable re-posts on my main feed.
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