Ability to block reposts
Sparkly Rainbow
Could not find this option anywhere, so I am assuming it does not exist yet. I would like to be able to block reposts (either globally or on a per account basis). Some people seemingly just repost everything and it makes it hard to see the important things in my feed.
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Luke Rowley
Luke Rowley
in progress
Luke Rowley
VenusX Voxel
if i follow someone, i want to see what they created. i understand ppl want to share giveaway news or plug their friends pics but its cluttering and mostly redundant. not checking feeds anymore because my brain gets annoyed
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Hide all reposts
Wurfi Pascale
Ability to hide all reposts from feeds.
They should remain visible on the profile pages.
Anthylea Celestia
We really need this, and I'm dying to have it!
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Filter option for commercial and giveaway posts and reposts in the home feed
CrystalShard Foo
Please enable us to have the option to follow people without seeing their commercial and giveaway posts and reposts in our home feed.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Hide Repost on feed.
Anthony Amore
I'd like an option to hide repost. Currently I get about 10 repost between legitimate friend/follower post.
Ginger Cloud
When a giveaway is popping off its not uncommon to have the same thing in my feed 3 or more times in a row. It's a bit much. Ability to filter reposts would be so useful.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Mute Repost
Stefani Dallas
the ability to filter repost by mutating them for specific accounts, as on twitter
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