Ability to make "Lists"
Contessa Esposito
Similiar to Twitter - Public / Private lists that we can add people/pages to.
Personally, I would make private lists for things like Stores, Clubs, Artists, Creators, Events, Mods, and other ideas
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Luke Rowley
Ginger Cloud
Curated lists are #1 on my list after hashtags and trending topics. I think it would be a more interesting way to share content than galleries or groups. Something that uses the feed and keeps that linear scrolling display of content relevant.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
lists (for followed users)?
Shirina Valiant
lists from twitter (private & public, shareable) to keep tabs on separate grps of ppl, like for example a list for friends (prob private) and a list for fave stores or types of stores (home stores/animations/etc), however the user wishes to create them
was going to say also photo collections but it has alrdy been suggested so 🙏
also need more +1 to the pinned post-
mehllama Resident
This would be so great. I could instantly find all the latest posts by my favorite photographers, stores, people, whatever. I could systematically find all the things and I think it would really boost interaction allowing people to find the most meaningful content to them.