Follow Recommendations
under review
Gwen Ghostly
While this may be a complex feature, it would be very useful. Since this site is new and we mostly have to rely on other sites to find folks, it'd be nice to have an area of recommendations of who to follow to help users regrow their connections here. It wouldn't necessarily have to be populated by intensive algorithms, but it could be based simpler means like recent activity or followers you don't yet follow back.
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Luke Rowley
under review
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Give suggestions of people and pages to follow
QueenAdelia Resident
Please consider having a feature that gives us suggestions of people and pages we might be interested in following. It makes life so much easier to find them this way, instead of scrolling through the massive feed/gallery in hopes of finding what you want. Either this or a better way to search for people/pages, maybe have them all listed somewhere so we can just go in and hit the follow button.