Larger Personal Galleries / Albums(?)
etenaru Resident
I think it would be great if when viewing a person's personal gallery that it opens up to a page similar to the general "Gallery" option on the side bar. It doesn't feel quite like a gallery when the photos are very small and you have to click through to see it clearly on a full page.
Albums would be pretty neat as well, so we can separate our photos into sections such as blog photos and advertisements. Looks messy all clumped together in our personal galleries. Just a thought!
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Luke Rowley
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Have the gallery show like Flickr instead.
seger Mode
As for now, the layout is very similar to Twitter. People have issue with Flickr, not Twitter. I just wish the gallery is more spread out and large, similar to Flickr. Xie Xie Ni
Justyna Magne
I agree, gallery should be clearly visible, it had to be a flickr themed but we got small galleries that aren't well visible. I'd rather to have it wide and visible as portfolio layout.