Not allow reposting your own posts
XJustFriendX Resident
I understand people want to get more likes but it becomes very annoying when you see the same thing over and over. It makes me feel cofused like I was there and I stop scrolling down. A lot of other people repost each other and when you see how they repost themselves it looks so strange. I would understand reposting the event date when it gets closer but not a simple photo to earn more hearts.
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Luke Rowley
I will allow only 1 repost per post
Mo Elara
Luke Rowley, can you please put a time limit on that? Like 1 repost after 1-2 weeks? Or months, lol. Like Christian said, I understand when events get repeated, but there are people abusing that, too (who already spam the groups inworld).
Mo Elara
I wholeheartedly support this request. It can be a big pain and it is really embarassing and feed cluttering to see people reposting their own images to beg for more likes. I ask them to stop it. And if they don´t I unfollow.